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New Year, New Drops, New Ideas

So it's late and everything but here's our New Year Blog!

So 2022. Wasn't it only just 2019 like a moment ago? Time is such a strange thing to consider after all the strange stop -start - stop - start motions of the past couple of years.

Dead Head was founded during this time and it's wild to see how far we've come with thanks to the support from all you lovely people who've liked our posts, bought our shirts and shared our stuff.

Starting a fashion label is hard enough at the best of times, but starting one in the midst of a global pandemic when 99% of your customer base has been stuck at home instead of stuck at the front of the stage, or even on the stage, - well that's just crazy stuff, isn't it?

Fortunately for you guys, we're just a little crazy. Crazy about what we do, crazy about the scenes we've been part of and continue to be part of. Crazy about all of you.

So here's to 2022 and here's to what we have planned!


Those of you following us on Instagram will have already seen some of the new designs that have just hit the site.

Getting dark, esoteric and arcane in this micro collection, we're exploring the witchified spookiness that tingles the senses and stimulates the imagination.

Check out the front page for our Latest Releases

The Future of Dead Head

You may have also noticed us alluding to something big we've been working on. We've been chipping away at producing a very limited edition piece of merchandise that will only be available for a short amount of time. It's something we've worked extensively on. Everything has been designed and made in the UK. The fabrics are coming from Europe. Not a sweatshop in sight. Built to last. Made to embody our motto - #defineyourself

There'll be further announcements on this in the coming months as we get ready to finalise the launch of the inaugural Dead Head Couture label collection.

You don't want to miss this.

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See you at the front!

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